Sunday, January 9, 2011

"...maybe amphetamine is just not your drug."

Prophetic words. Last weekend, just after posting about feeling like the Dexedrine wasn't working out very well, I started to have sleep problems. Same problem I had on 50mg Vyvanse: not too difficult to get to sleep initially, but then I wake up around 1:30am and barely get back to sleep at all after that. Really, really light, fitful sleep.

This actually started on the Sunday, when I was only taking Vyvanse. Didn't think too much of it, though. Only one night, right? I start off on only 2.5 Dexedrine on Monday, though.

On Monday night, same thing. I notice the trend. So on Tuesday I take just the Vyvanse. At this point I'm completely sure that the problem will go away. After all, I've never had a single issue on 30mg Vyvanse.

Same problem Tuesday night.

Now I'm worried. On Wednesday, I don't take anything, not even any caffeine. I expect to feel completely bagged, but I'm oddly OK. Call my doctor, tell him what's going on. We agree I should stop the amphetamine-based meds and try Concerta. "At least," I think, "I'll get a good night's sleep tonight."

Nope. Wednesday night is the same as the others.

On Thursday I again take nothing, though I have some tea to get me through the day since I'm now really tired. Can't tell if this is some amphetamine withdrawal or just the effects of not sleeping well for several nights in a row. Despite having picked up my new prescription, I decide to stay off all meds until I've had a good night's sleep. Concerta has a 12% reported occurrence of insomnia; how am I going to know if I'm affected if I have sleep issues before I take the first pill?

Thursday night I take 6mg melatonin. Never had to take it before since my previous sleep problems have gone away as soon as I reduced the meds. Friday I try 3 mg, and last night I tried 6 again.

I think last night I finally saw some improvement. I still woke up around 1:30am, but I had to pee and unlike the previous nights I felt pretty sleepy. Don't remember having a ton of trouble getting back to sleep. I did wake up a couple more times, but my memories of the night are of brief periods of wakefulness. I'll take 6mg melatonin again tonight and we'll see how things go.

One very interesting part of this experience has been doing my job through it. I have definitely had more trouble with alertness (not shocking given the lack of sleep), but I haven't had a ton of trouble getting things done. I feel much more relaxed. I don't know why, but it seems like over the last month the amphetamines stopped making me feel motivated and energetic, and started just making me jittery.

Hopefully my sleep will settle down and I can try the Concerta. Will post when I do.

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